Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Change

So, if you are keeping up with us you know our assignment has changed three times so far.  Well, here's another one.  We are now going to D.C.  This one has been approved and we should get our RFO(next step towards getting actual orders) this coming week.  We are thinking this one will stick because they are running out of options.  After four changes now we are hoping to be done.  We will still be moving this summer in late June or early July.  Keeping our fingers crossed.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Moving Again

To let everyone know, our orders to Germany were cancelled.   It then looked like we were going to Tampa, but that didn't work out either.  So, this week we are going to Scott AFB outside of St. Louis.  We are super disappointed, but keep telling ourselves it will be better for Lexi in the long run.  There seem to be good schools in the area so Addison should get a good start in kindergarten.  This still isn't 100% either, so we'll see if me blogging about it jinxes it and we get another assignment!