Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

The girls had their parties yesterday, so we did Valentine's kinda a day early.  They got all dressed up for school.  We had simple homemade valentines for each girls' class.  I forgot to take pictures though so you all will just have to trust how wonderful and crafty I was.  Even Daddy helped out.  The day was a great success.

And then Addison had snack bucket today.  So of course I sent these amazing pink lemonade cupcakes with heart candies on them.  Her teacher really appreciates me and the amount of sugar I can fit into one "snack." LOL!  I will say these things tasted wonderful though.  If you follow me on Pinterest I pinned the recipe on there.  I don't know how to add links here so sorry.  My girls are pretty darn cute if I say so myself!  (Although not very cooperative when taking pictures.)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Never as it seems...

The Army has it's own unique way of messing with people.  We are on the receiving end of this once again.  My husband got his assignment for post school.  Moving this summer to Heidelberg, Germany!  He is excited for the job and I was excited for the opportunity for my family.  We've never done an overseas tour, so this would be a completely new experience.  Of course, we find out my husband will only be in that job for about 8 months and then the post is closing.  So where does that leave us?  Of course there is no plan so there are no answers to give.  Could we move to another NATO command in Europe?  Or would they really move us all the way back to the states after less than a year?  No answers, only more questions.

All of this I could live with, except for the fact that my oldest starts kindergarten next year.  She had a hard time when we moved this past summer.  We'll have been here a year when we move to Germany.  She'll start kindergarten and have to move again for 1st grade.  I know they say kids are resilient, but my heart breaks for her.  I was hoping we would have 3 stable years for her.  I know some of y'all are thinking, but you just spent 4 years at Fort Campbell.  However, my husband deployed twice and she had a baby sister born.  Life was hard there for us.  I hope through all this we can keep it positive and fun and I can find a way to help my girls adjust successfully.

P.S.  To my mom, as I blog to keep everyone updated on us, please resist the urge to correct my grammar.  We all know I'm not a great writer.  Thank you!