Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

The girls had their parties yesterday, so we did Valentine's kinda a day early.  They got all dressed up for school.  We had simple homemade valentines for each girls' class.  I forgot to take pictures though so you all will just have to trust how wonderful and crafty I was.  Even Daddy helped out.  The day was a great success.

And then Addison had snack bucket today.  So of course I sent these amazing pink lemonade cupcakes with heart candies on them.  Her teacher really appreciates me and the amount of sugar I can fit into one "snack." LOL!  I will say these things tasted wonderful though.  If you follow me on Pinterest I pinned the recipe on there.  I don't know how to add links here so sorry.  My girls are pretty darn cute if I say so myself!  (Although not very cooperative when taking pictures.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad y'all had a good Valentine Day

    There is a link button in the bar across the top of the box you type your post in. It's near the add picture button and may look like a chain (get it - links in a chain).
